The pollinators of our world are so important to the cycle of life and production of food, our health and sustenance. We thought we would celebrate them in a fun way by introducing a brand new beeswax wrap print in collaboration with Min Pin Design.

Australian illustrator Penny Min Ferguson of Min Pin created a gorgeous design incorporating many little critters of our gardens, fields and crops.

Pollinators Garden print

The creatures featured in the fabric design include of course honey bees. Honey bees are really the foundation of our work at Apiary Made. Honey bees are well known as pollinators but there are a few other land and sky based animals to credit with keeping our gardens and crops pollinated.

Australia has around 2000 types of native bees and we chose to include the native blue-banded bee in our fabric.

Bats, beetles, lizards are less known pollinators but can also be attributed with helping the cause.

The design by Min Pin also features some native Australian flora. These include grass trees, wattle flowers and gum leaves and nuts.

Pollinators Garden Pack

This beeswax wrap pack comes in an assorted sizes pack of small, medium and large. This design is fun for the whole family! Great for kids and adults, it tells a story of Australian pollinators, perhaps in a way you haven’t seen before. Plus the bright, happy colours look great wrapped on dishes and all kinds of foods. Be sure to check out the cheeky facial expressions throughout!

You can see more detail HERE

More about Min Pin…

Illustration and craft based label Min Pin specialises in colourful and expressive designs often featuring playful and bizarre worlds. Currently based in Melbourne, Australia, all Min Pin pieces are designed and handmade by Penny Min Ferguson in her studio in the Dandenong Ranges. Visit website HERE